• 27 Jul 2024

    محرّم 1446 21

BEGINS 03:28 AM 01:10 PM 06:27 PM 08:58 PM 10:02 PM
JAMAT 04:15 AM 01:30 PM 06:45 PM 08:58 PM 10:30 PM

27 Jul 2024

27 Ramadan 1443

Begins Jamaat
Fajr 03:28 AM 04:15 AM
Zuhr 01:10 PM 01:30 PM
Asr 06:27 PM 06:45 PM
Maghrib 08:58 PM 08:58 PM
Isha 10:02 PM 10:30 PM

27 Jul 2024

27 Ramadan 1443

Begins Jamaat
Fajr 03:28 AM 04:15 AM
Zuhr 01:10 PM 01:30 PM
Asr 06:27 PM 06:45 PM
Maghrib 08:58 PM 08:58 PM
Isha 10:02 PM 10:30 PM

Become A Member

Gender *

Marital Status (Optional)


  • Membership is open to any individual, defined as per GDMA constitution (section 3.)
  • You can only vote if over 18 years of age.
  • The Trustee must have this register for record keeping.
  • For Election Purposes Only

Eligibility for voting will require Photo ID with address OR Photo ID with proof of address.

I hereby attest that the information I submitted is accurate and that I meet the membership requirement. I am a legal resident of the United Kingdom. *

E.Signature of Applicant: *

Each Application must be accompanied by a fee of £1.00

Paid *

We encourage members to contribute a minimum of £10 by standing order to help maintain the daily cost of the mosque.
Account Number: 00120007      Sort Code: 30-93-60